Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Few Things 'Round The House

There's a Snarglevox beneath the basement stairs
He isn't too loud, he just sits and bares
His teeth and growls, but I simply can't fetch
The broom and mop
Cause Snarglevoxes are known to be
Territorial, and quite ornery
And I've no inclination to get 'orned this week.
There's a Petterwing in our backyard
Who sings the most beautiful melodies
But I happen to have a Petterwing dictionary
And I've learnt enough to know she's out to get me
So mummy dear, I fear I can't hang the laundry
For at least a year, or 'til she moves over to Bethany's.
And to make matters worse, I'd love to clean my room
But there's a Giant Snarling Simperflume
He's under my bed, reciting the most horrible poetry
That's ever been read, and if I listen for even a minute
Mummy dear, I'll develop a tumor so massive
I'd need a team of Elepoodles to carry my head
But I've good news for you, mummy dear
It seems that the Garpergrin that hid in the kitchen
Last night when you asked me if I'd wash the dishes
Was terrified by the clean sink you left behind
And he's Garper-gone now, so the cookies you left out
Should be about ready to be eaten.

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