Upon the land, whose shoulder encompassed the surface of the earth
And bore all her burdens, tread the soul of man
Who at first dug in heel and hand, gently easing his way into her comforts
And as years passed, as generations grew accustomed to her rewards
And paid no mind to her suffering, procured his boots and scarred
Wounds that the hands of his ancestors had so delicately tended
Her revulsion mounted, and thus began a battle long-waged
As peaceful symbiosis turned forceful parasitism, man dressed as his own
Without regard for his companion, such suffering in turn has unleashed
Her fury, the scorned woman now quakes and tempests
As man virulently demands her subjugation where she has refused to offer
And takes that which was not given, and a bond once thought immutable
Crosses the threshold into hatred, for the few souls that remain
Who deign to reimburse her for the slights of their brethren
Are drowned out by the tide of selfish pandering to greed
And seek to heal a world corrupted beyond the flesh, a world whose bones
Are now carved into with cruel disregard
Her beauty marred by the ignorant surgeons they have become
But her children, her shaman and lovers, do not waiver in their commitment
As the rebirth of old souls, who, mindful of their sins, have forsaken the heavens
To return to her, as any who has known love would
Sons of the flesh, who remove all that would mark their existence
And expend all that they are to her, who cast the brightest fires to cauterize her wounds
At the expense of their breath, a trivial price for the wise
Who know what fate awaits those who dare not offer in equal measure
That which they take, she whispers into the minds of the enlightened
Draws them in, even as she expels all else
Who draw from her neck, she, whose bare shoulder intoxicates the eyes of those
Who dare not dress her in their filthy rags, who know that beauty is no creation of weak hands
But an offering of a goddess, to be lived within rather than upon
To be graced with a light touch, admired by a lover who would not dare disturb
With petty lust, there are far greater aspirations for our waking hours
Than deflowering her, devouring her, he who seeks to know her to the core
Need know only how to empower her.
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