Saturday, July 26, 2014

By the Fire

The leaves danced in the pale autumn sun
Light flickering across reds and golds
And trickling down between, to wake me from a dream
One where I was falling, one where I was calling
Out to one who never saw me
The trees bent over and whispered their secrets
To a cool breeze as she passed
And I recited every trauma past, quicker than I could name
Every lover I had outlasted, whose compassion stayed
Til the end of the day, til dusk undressed us both
And exposed us to the cold
The world might fade, so quiet behind us
As those autumn days give way to winter
But I will be the fire, that keeps you close
I will be the pyre, that pulls the chill from your bones
I do not fear the heat in my soul, I know
No path that leads me away from hope
And the world might bay, scream in dismay
That I have found my way
But I hear only a heartbeat, see only the reality
Approaching, encroaching on these golden moments
A truth that commits me to my path, to you
I can change the world, I can stand the burn
For what comes after, for my only lover
And I, is too true to deny
We will walk among this forest, someday
And you will see the leaves, feel the breeze
But not shiver, instead cast your doubts to the fire
That burns ever brighter, climbs ever skyward
And you will know all that I've shone
Has kindled the passion from within your soul
Has taken all that kept you alone
And seared together those broken bones
That all that makes you might make you whole.

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