Saturday, July 26, 2014

On His Fourth Escape and Swift Capture

Pray tell, my dear, what happened here?
For a corpse lies before me, and your whisp'ring in my ear
Of Belladonna's sweet sleep, well along that long dream
Oh how she must be comforted now, having nothing to fear
And I could decipher your wicked grin
Or pull apart your fairy tales
But I'd rather watch you spin straw to gold
Than shiver in this prison cold
Pray tell, my dear, have I to fear
For a fortnight before, she was adored
Now lying on the floor, stiff as a board
Did you kiss her before, tell me more
Of the treachery that led to her lying on the floor
Was she a deer in the headlights, when that second taste bit her
Were there muffled accusations, when the pillow compressed her
Tell me more, but not the truth, for if I know you
The lie shall be sweeter
Should we exit stage left, 'fore the detectives request
A night at the station, or a noose round our necks
Pray tell, my dear, what happened here
You're too dainty for the work gang
You'd faint 'fore you dug an inch
Did she fall by your hand, I don't think you should mention that
Seems nat'ral causation, to have led her on this path
Speak not my dear, a rapping at the door I hear
Stern as the devil, firm as a fresh-starched uniform
Surely she fell ill, her heart ne'er did beat
Quite as confidently as it should
And her poor body was frail as an empty egg
See officer, what happened here, well
See, the truth is
She did it, the woman is a murderer
A killer of the worst sort
I tried to stop her, but she threatened I might go first
Not guilty, I am, I even wish she had lived
For I loved my wife more than any, I confess
We got in a row, but I gave my best
To stay that poor deluded girl's hand
Why she may even say we had an affair
Do not believe her deceit, I hardly know her, I swear
I find that difficult to believe
Said the officer to me
And he placed me in cuffs, both hands and both feet
And he whispered to the deputy, whose mouth stayed a grimace
To the asylum with this one, Jim
He's suff'ring delusions
Sir, there's been no murder
You've no wife to kill this time, only illusions
And just then I knew, they were in on it too
The hag surely taunted me from beyond the veil of death
So I played along, seeing no better option
'Til they brought me to a place they swore I lived
Saint Jonah's Hospital for the Criminally Insane
Where they said I belong, kept calling it my home
As if I would set foot in such a wretched looking room
And I whispered to my love, "Do not forget to dust, next time,
The house was so filthy, I could have gone ill
Just breathing.
And next time, maybe explain to the kind uniformed gentlemen
That I am innocent, that you did it
And while you're at it, it might help to sway their opinions
If you dared to inform them of your existence
They seem to be quite certain
It's all in my head.

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