Monday, August 25, 2014

The Nature of the Soul

Discussing the nature of the human soul,
Boundless, flawless
And the world we might dwell in
Should we choose to listen to it.

What comprises us
Ego, Id, Superego
Emotions, faults, talents
Passions, dreams, reality?


It is the only perfection we might know
Some call it God, Jehovah
Yahweh, Buddha
I am agnostic, or atheist, or spiritual
Or maybe I am
All of those, and I don't know it.

Yet the soul, the soul sees it
Touches the center of the mind
And heart, intermingles the physical
With the fantastic.

All perception may be encoding within our complex
Minds, or chemical reactions spilt
Onto the canvas of our bodies
But do we not all sense
Something more, something beyond the veil
Of conscious perception?

To what do we attribute
Our connections, our distances, those fleeting moments
Of abstraction?

I can describe
The touch of a lover's hand
Down to the most minute detail
And yet, without having felt it
Yourself, you would not know it.

We are foreign to each other
Walking within the shadows of
Our petty grievances, daring to step only
Within our carefully constructed

Love, the soul, the indescribable familiar
Within, that which ascribes tears
And laughter.

Our own perpetual motion machine
That which ceaselssly and easily overcomes
Our own science, our own understanding
Of the function of our universe.

That which in giving, is received
Without external need, the propulsion of man
The fuel of our progress.

Love, the soul
Who grows by mitosis
Multiplies through division
Accumulates within ourselves, only through
Being given away.

Some call it flawed, broken, painful
Loss, heartache, grief
And never realize that what they describe
Is not love, but a life without it.

A life without a soul
A machine, cold and calculating
Whose each step requires
Recalibration, to overcome the sensation
Of emptiness.

Should we take the time to revel in it
Love, the soul, by any name
Is savior, a quantum step
Toward enlightenment.

In discussing the nature of the soul
We enter into a conversation with it
Confirm its very existence
And open a path to empathy
Peace, the harmony we need
To overcome the varied methods we've developed
To neutralize it.

So I ask, my friends, my love, my fellow
To open your day looking inward
To stretch your arms out and embrace
The beauty of your divinity
Your flawlessness
By any name you may call it.

Through knowing yourself, your soul
Your love
You will come to expose the beauty
In the billions of others
Who travel this same rocky path
As you.

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