Saturday, July 26, 2014


As the tiger who slinks through the brush
Eyes on the gazelle as he draws in close
Circling his prey, awaiting the perfect moment
To pounce upon the flesh, to sink his teeth in
To usher death into the serenity
Such is the calm of the killer
Whose spirit devours the innocent will
Of his victims, dressed in his own camouflage
The gazelle will see nothing, until he comes free
From his entanglements, to break her sense
Of complacency, to sink his fangs in
To the flesh and the serene
That in the storm of blood and claw
He will taste it all
As the sunlight falters, and darkness follows
Death upon the plains where he hunts
The tiger who slinks through the brush
Sharpens sight, tenses muscles
Knows not to rest on a full stomach
Such is my spirit, circling silent
My succulent prey, whose savory taste
Lingers on my lips long after she's slain
I feel it in my teeth, breathe it in my lungs
The pangs of hunger sated, momentarily abated
By a feast fit for the beast I have become
One whose blood may be rinsed from the plains
But whose essence remains through the reign of the sun.

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