Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dressed Down and Drunk Again

It's just another night at the bar 
Another hour spent over 
The rim of a glass, wondering 
Where you are 
It's just another song about how 
You left, now I'm left living without 
Dreams, and the guitar picks at my heart 
With each plucked string 
It's just another day without you 
An empty mailbox and front stoop 
Another shower spent rinsing 
The alcohol from my skin 
It's just another morning at the office 
Where miles of grey walls isolate 
Emotions, keep us enclosed in 
Our thoughts, mine are still 
Of you 

It's just another sunset 
Just another beach 
It's just another empty world 
Inside the artist's pen 
Where white pages stare accusing and 
The ink is still refusing 
To write something without you 
Starring in it 

It's just another case of 
Day to day to years of 
Wondering when love 
Grew so far out of touch 
With reality 
It's just another night at the bar 
I'll play your song, wherever you are 
I'll drink this blend of 
Jack Daniels and mix-ups 
When every time the door opens 
I can smell your perfume 
Tip my hat and empty my glass 
At least I don't turn around 
At the sound of the bell 

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